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Profile managment

This section of the API is responsible for handling user profiles, authentication using tokens, and subscription management.

Authentication via Auth0

User authentication is managed by the third-party service Auth0 by Okta. No passwords or emails are stored in this API. Utilizing Auth0 ensures enhanced security, and user information is stored on a server in Europe. For more details on account management, please refer to the Auth0 website.

User Profile


Tokens are used for authentication and accessing lottery endpoints. Profile management allows for creating, deleting, and modifying these tokens.

To simplify token management on the website, it is possible to create and manage tokens for your account. To learn more about managing tokens for your account, feel free to follow the Getting-Started guide.

API endpoints

Route: /profile/token

Method Desription
GET Retrieve tokens associated with the user profile.
POST Create a new token.
DELETE Remove an existing token.
PATCH Update name or token description.


Each user profile has a default "FREE" subscription. Basic features are accessible with free subscription.


In the future, different subscription options will be available, offering various features. This section is still under development.